
Brand Challenge Connect with unhappy customers to give the market leading telco a human face. Solve the issues facing the customers, and lift NPS.

Customer Experience Telstra Check - In. A company wide, nationwide program including a single purpose Check - In Call Centre with 50 staff; retail team members at every store, an ongoing CRM program of hyper personalised communications, and data modelling identifying at risk customers based on behavioural data indicators.

Results Over 4.5 million customers have been contacted via direct mail or edm. 119,000 calls have been made by Telstra staff. 97,000 customer Check-Ins have been completed by the call centre team. 71,000 Check-Ins have been delivered in stores. NPS rose by 5 across the business, and by 65 for inbound calls from the Check - In team.

Agency Lavender CX Agency

Role Partnering with ECD Anna Karena, who created Check In. Leading the Copywriting to deliver the ongoing campaign after Anna left the agency. Copywriting across Letters, eDMs, Call Centre Scripts, SMS and MMS, Online Ads, Video Scripts.