Writing the Dream

Some days, I agree with Joan Didion: nobody wants to hear about somebody else’s dream. The writer is always tricking the reader into listening to the dream.

Although I also choose to believe that readers are willingly consumed by the dream that’s woven, if only we can write it compellingly enough. That’s the dream dream, right?

So for me, one of the surest ways to know my work is working .. is to see people engage emotionally with it, like they are in this little selection of moments where the writing made it to their hearts. Maybe it’s their dream job; a dream experience or their dream coming true…

Champion of Change is a line from the brand manifesto I wrote for Secure Code Warrior. I’m pretty sure we didn’t actually suggest they changed their job titles to it… but they did - and it sounds like an awesome job, right?

And the social posts from a recent Twitch campaign show how the creators, and their followers, felt about the work.

The Opera House line is part of a campaign called Remember When.. and I love that even music critics connected.
