Brand Challenge Snapchat are reinventing the camera to improve the way people communicate, live in the moment, learn, and have fun. With video conference fatigue a very present issue in 2021, Snap needed to ensure that their Media Agency training program launch would replicate previous IRL success – and do so entirely online.
Customer Experience We threw out online teaching and workshop methods, to create an entirely online content Series, with a supportive, creative community around it. Each episode was a celebration of Snap centric, bingeworthy content, and of the attendees themselves. And as befits Snap Australia, we gave it a uniquely Aussie name – Snap Champs. Reality TV meets Gruen in a season like no other – with a Premier, Episodes, Finale, one Host; and challenges to embed and gamify learning amongst the Champs.
Results Swag boxes, a teaser Trailer, eDM, Blog and Social Media posts announced and coincided with the Champs Launch, driving 100% Champs to attend.
A unique OhYay video conferencing interface was built with the Snap internal team, and this plus the episodic teasers, eDMs and blogs for Champs continued to hero the individual Champs and celebrate Snap throughout the series.
Agency Hotwire
Role Ideation, Creative Direction, Copywriting, Script Writing, VO Writing.