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Brand Challenge Secure Code Warrior (SCW) is a platform that helps developers level up their skills in secure coding. They needed a flexible, relatable brand identity that would help them to connect with their end users, Developers; and tool stack decision makers, CISOs at large enterprises.

Solution The brand leaned into SCW’s powerful in market advantages - their proactive approach to secure coding (in a world where the vast majority of tech security is post breach solutions); and to redefine what it means to be a warrior - from aggressor to protector.

Results As well as their original goal, we also helped SCW to stay connected with their awesome, tight knit team, as they scaled at pace; to the extent that members of the team changed their LinkedIn job titles to “Champion of change in Secure Coding"‘; lifted directly from the Manifesto. A PR messaging strategy was created to take the tone of voice created in the brand strategy, and drive it through PR storytelling across North America and EMEA, resulting in distinctly recognisable headlines across the continents.

Agency Hotwire

Role Creative Director, Brand Tone of Voice Creation, Copywriting, Manifesto Writing, Scriptwriting

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